Our Young Farmer & Rancher program provides opportunities for young men and women ages 18-35 interested in agriculture to enhance their leadership skills and learn more about Farm Bureau as an organization. It gives them the opportunity to compete in various contests hosted by American Farm Bureau both on the state and national level. Our program is very family oriented and gives young farmers the opportunity to connect with other farm families at outings.

Committee Members

Paige Mattingly- Chair

Brett Barton

Will Bradely

Sam Brown

Aaron Clark

Grant Gardner

Chris Jackson

Hannah Johnson

Lane Mahan

Erica Rogers


Burger Bash
 Knowles Livestock Grant
Chili Cook Off


KY Farm Bureau Young Farmer Leadership Conference – Features many items of interest for young farmers and their families. A weekend long conference, filled with educational workshops, motivational speakers and tours of several local places of interest.

Young Farmer Futures Seminar – A two-day workshop designed to help young farmers gain a better understanding of the futures markets and learn how to effectively utilize them in their operations.

Young Farmer Summer Outing – The 2020 Young Farmer Outing has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic

IFAL – Institute for Future Agriculture Leaders (available for Juniors in High School to spend a week at UK or Murray State during the summer visiting the agricultural campuses and talking with Professors and other students.  They also work on team building exercises. Contact our office from more information