Coleman Stivers is one of the recipients of the 2013 Fayette County Farm Bureau Scholarship. He was awarded $20,000 to attend the college of his choice to be applied towards undergraduate studies. Coleman, the son of Jeff and Melanie Stivers, is a senior at Locust Trace Agriscience Farm and Lafayette High School. His “farmers market to your door” business, Stivers Brothers Homegrown Produce and Honey has expanded to being a member of the Bluegrass Farmers Market, where he serves on the Board.
Coleman has participated in many special activities and events: he is an alumnus of the Governors Scholars Program, attended an arts magnet school (SCAPA) with an emphasis on piano studies. While he was there he was a member of a state winning speech team and acted in productions at the Lexington Opera House. Kentucky Farm Bureau selected Coleman as the state winner in the Outstanding Youth Contest in 2012 and he traveled to on the Washington Congressional Tour.
With the sponsorship of Fayette County Farm Bureau, Coleman also attended the Institute for Future Agricultural Leaders in 2013. Coleman has been active with FFA, serving as the president of his local chapter and winning state level FFA contests in Farmers Market, Agri-Entrepreneurship, the Entrepreneurship Video Contest, and 2nd place in Prepared Public Speaking. Coleman will be attending the University of Kentucky in the fall to study Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.