Veterans Park
Board Director, Dr. Bill Witt, teaching Kindergarten-3rd Graders about agriculture at Veterans Park Elementary School.
Board Director, Dr. Bill Witt, teaching Kindergarten-3rd Graders about agriculture at Veterans Park Elementary School.
Megan Harper presented a Professional Development Workshop at Locust Trace AgriScience Center.
On October 11, 2016 the first annual Locust Trace Ag Day was Held. Fayette County Farm Bureau and Locust Trace partnered to bring 200 8th grade students out to Locust …
Holiday Party and Rotation of Officers. Recognized Board Members for rotating off (Robert James, Stuart Turlington, and Kevin Welsh). The gavel was passed from 2015-2016 President, Larry Swetnam (left) to …
On October 23, Fayette County Farm Bureau Federation helped sponsor the Lexington Cancer Walk. Money went to support cancer research and those battling various types of this terrible disease.
Farm Bureau’s annual Legislative Appreciation Social will be held September 27th, 2016. This event allows members to thank our legislatures for their service and discuss some current agricultural policies.